BF license WSC 6 style "Codemaster²"

Professional, dark blue flat design with scroll header, add footer & other customizations. The color schemes can be easily adjusted using the style's color palette


This is the WSC 6 evolution of the very popular, free Codemaster style for WSC 5.5. An attractive dark blue with color accents and great attention to detail should delight your visitors and if you would like to adapt the contrasting colors of the style to your project, this is easily possible in the style's color palette. But the best thing: This style has a scroll header which moves the logo into the user panel when you scroll down the website - simply unique!!!

There are extensive modifications such as the following:

Pop up windows & dropdowns optimized | Tables completely revised | badges & tags customized | Representations of codebox, tables, quotes, spoilers adapted | CKEditor 5 adapted | Flashing indicator when a new conversation is received | Redesigned Image Viewer Display | Down button | Memberlist restructured as a double table | Restructuring of the forum view without a duplicate topic view | Improved statistics display in the forum listing

Special features here are the reconstructed info boxes with symbols and the personal user profile picture in the message sidebar.

The newly revised Simple AddFooter by Gino Zantarelli is also integrated here, where you can easily add your personal web links and advertising text. In addition, the activated social links are displayed in the AddFooter. Of course, detailed instructions are included in the download.

Optical adaptations to various plugins:

This style optimizes views of various Woltlab apps such as the Woltlab Suite Blog, the Woltlab Suite Filebase, the Woltlab Suite Calendar & the Woltlab Suite Gallery.

Flexible width & smartphone suitable:

The width of this style is max 100% and automatically adapts to smaller monitors, tablets and smartphones - of course, the width setting is also up to you...

Full browser support:

This style / style series supports all modern browsers such as Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Microsoft Edge and Vivaldi in the current versions, conditionally Internet Explorer from version 11 & Safari are supported. Older versions of Internet Explorer are not supported!

Support WSC versions:

This style / style series supports WSC 6.1.x.x & WSC 6.0.x.x, make sure to use the correct version of the theme folder in the download when installing the package. Older Woltlab software (WSC 5, WSC 3) is not supported.

This style version cannot be used with older WSC versions.


The downloaded ZIP file contains versions for WSC 6.1 & WSC 6.0, so it must be unpacked using a packing program (e.g. the free program 7-Zip). There is also a READ_ME_FIRST file in the ZIP file - please open it with your browser and read it carefully.

The style is installed in the ACP of your Woltlab Suite 6 as a package under CONFIGURATION > PACKAGES > INSTALL PACKAGE, where the style file archive is uploaded directly. The style pack does not need to be unpacked beforehand!

Logo editing:

Each Woltlab Suite 6 style comes with a Photoshop file for the logo and associated fonts, so please install the fonts included in the "font" order before editing the file.

If you are using Woltlab Suite 6, you can directly upload the logo in the Administrator Control Panel (ACP) under the path CUSTOMIZATION> STYLES> YOUR UTILITY> GLOBAL SETTINGS.

Color Adjustments:

To change the color gradient above the header image, look for the following line of code in the CSS definition of the style (approx. from line 483) and adjust the RGBA values:

background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(128, 0, 0, 0.27) 0%, rgba(29, 16, 94, 0.63) 100%), url(#{$style_image_path}headerBG.jpg);

To change the contrast color, look for the "wcfHeaderMenu" variable in the style's color palette and adjust it under the "$wcfHeaderMenuLinkBackgroundActive" selection.


  • WSC 6 style "Codemaster²"
    EUR 10.50

Sales tax exemption in accordance with Section 19 UStG (small business regulation).

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    Changelog 1.1.1:

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    - CKEditor 5 überarbeitet

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    - Tabellenansichten verbessert

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    - Stilpaket kann als Update installiert werden